Judges- The Products of Pluralism

Picking up on a sermon series on the book of Judges that I started a while back. The sermons below were preached at All Saints Church, Preston, England by Daf Merion-Jones and James Nash. All Saints was the church I attended during my final year at univeristy and I was greatly blessed by their ministry (although I didn’t attend half as much as I should have, much to my own loss). I’m sure you will blessed too if you listen to all 8 of the sermons below.

It has been said that if director Quentin Tarantino were to make a movie about a book of the Bible he would choose Judges. That’s because Judges is pretty crazy at times. It contains swords, blood, guts, judgment, murder and betrayal a la Kill Bill and Reservoir Dogs. However as you read through Judges it becomes apparent that there is a theme throughout it. It is a cyclical narrative. As the picture above indicates there are generally 6 stages to this cycle. They are:

1) Peace in the Land- Israel serves the Lord

2) Israel does evil in the eyes of the Lord

3) God cast judgement upon Israel and they become enslaved

4) Israel cries out to the Lord.

5) God raises up a judge.

6) God delievers Israel through His judge.

What relevance does the book of Judges have for us in the 21st century though? How is it related to the Gospel and Jesus? If you listen to the sermons below it will soon become clear to you. Listen and learn!

Judges 1: 1-3: 11….. They Prostituted Themselves- Daf Meirion-Jones

Judges 3: 12-31….. The Fat Closed In- James Nash

Judges 4 & 5…… Peg in the Temple- Daf Meirion-Jones

Judges 6-8….. Tongues like a dog- James Nash

Judges 9: 1-10: 5…… Abimelech- James Nash

Judges 10: 6-12: 7…. Jephthah- James Nash

Judges 13-16….. Samson- Daf Meirion-Jones

Judges 17-21…. They had no king?- Daf Meirion-Jones

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