Porn Again Christian- Mark Driscoll


Some people like him, so people don’t. Whatever your stance on Mark Driscoll you cannot deny that God is using him for the good. My own stance on Mark Driscoll is one of respect and admiration without straying into idol worshipping him. He is a great communicator, he’s honest, and his theology is fine by my books. Some people nit pick him for his coarse and “earthy” language at times, and yes I acknowledge that point. Sometimes with Pastor Mark I’m like “Did he actually just say that lol!?” But that’s one of the reasons why I think his ministry has been so successful.

Let’s be honest about things here, however conservative you may be. I would describe myself as being, in the words of David Wells, a”Bible-believing Reformational Christian”. However, being reformed does not mean that I am to stop being “ME”. My fear is that many older, reformed folk are forgetting that the younger generation is a lot different that they are. Thus, I wish they would stop trying to impose church services from the 1950’s upon a generation who quite frankly are bored. Younger Christians cannot relate to Pastor’s who deliver smug overly intellectual sermons and shy away from the issues of today. Lets face it, it’s time the church stepped up to the mark and started dealing with the nitty, gritty issues that young peole have to deal with on a daily basis. They want answers and they want it straight. They need straight talking Pastors who are normal sinners like themselves….not ‘holier than thou’ lofty ones of the pulpit. Whilst most Pastors will acknowledge that they are wretched sinners in private, too often it is not confessed to from the pulpit. By that I mean that many Pastors fail to share their own personal struggles and experiences with their flock.

When I read Paul’s Epistles I see a trend immerging. That trend is that Paul testifies. He testifies of his own struggles and experiences. Think of his thorn in the side…his weeping night and day etc. Thus I wish Pastors today would just start acting human around their people and in the pulpit, instead of appearing as almost Robotic Intellectual snobs. Young People aren’t impressed by intelligence without personality or sincerity. Instead they need teachers who share their struggles, pains, experiences and failures whilst not watering down the gospel message or negating sound exposition of Scripture, and who continually point them to Jesus along the way.

Thus I applaud Mark Driscoll for having the courage to swim against the tide and for having the guts to deal with the nitty, gritty issues of life in a Biblical manner. If your a guy and you struggle with Porn then I hope this free e-book by Driscoll will help you out. Provocative title yes, provocative issue yes, but an essential issue nonetheless. It’s time to wake up and realise that truth can be proclaimed without removing a person’s personality from the pulpit/pen. Maybe the problem with many institutionalised churches is that they seek to ordain people according to their educational certificates and intellectual ability over and above their ability to teach the Word of God faithfully in a way that the people can relate to, and who can minister to the people in a way that is needed. I’m not talking about conforming, I’m talking about reforming. And I believe Mark Driscoll and the likes of Voddie Baucham, Tim Keller and Matt Chandler are examples of such pastors. May God raise up more leaders who will take this “fight” by the scruff of the collar for the cause and glory of Christ.

Porn-Again Christian is available here

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